Matricole 2023/2024 Assessment Test

Assessment Test (AT) 2023/2024
Assessment Test (AT) 2024/2025


All the new students enrolled for the first time in undergraduate courses or 5-year single cycle degree courses in the 2023/2024 academic year are required to sit a level B1 English Assessment Test (AT).

Watch this video but, please, do not forget to read carefully the following information, as well.

With the exception of the new students enrolled in the degree courses below:


New students enrolled in the Unige Polytechnic degree courses are kindly asked to read carefully the Polytechnic's webpage about English courses


Teorie e tecniche della mediazione interlinguistica (TTMI)

Students who enrol in the Interpreting and Translation degree course will find further information about how to access the relevant tests on their degree courses’ sites in the “News” section.

Lingue e culture moderne (LCM)

Students who enrol in the Modern languages and cultures degree course are required to sit the TE.L.E.MA.CO test but must sit the level B1 English assessment test only if they decide to include the "English language" modules in their study plan (English as a first, second or third language). If they do not include the "English Language" modules, they can take the AT but the result will not affect their study plan. Students enrolled in the Modern Languages and Culture degree course who do not have to sit the TE.L.E.MA.CO test because they obtained a score equal to or higher than 90/100 in their school-leaving exam and want to add English to their study plan (as a first, second or third language) do not have to take the level B1 English assessment test. Those students who choose to study English as a core subject or as a 'third' language in the Modern Languages and Cultures BA course, and (1) hold an udergraduate or postgraduate degree obtained no later than three years from their new enrollment at unige and, (2a) during said degree course took an English B1 or higher level exam, or (2b) they carried out a fundamental component of said course in English (e.g. degree course entirely taught through the medium of English/PhD dissertation delivered in English) are exempted from sitting the English B1 Assessment test. Those students who do not meet requirements (1) and (2a)/(2b) must sit the English B1 Assessment Test in order to be able to choose English as a core subject or as a ‘third’ language in the Mondern Languages and Cultures undergraduate course.

Corsi a ciclo unico in Chimica e tecnologia farmaceutiche, Farmacia, Giurisprudenza

New students enrolled in single cycle degree courses in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies, Pharmacy or Law can take the level B1 English assessment test. However, the test result will not affect their study plan.

Tourism and Hospitality (Scienze del Turismo: impresa, cultura e territorio)

New students enrolled in the Tourism and Hospitality degree course have to sit the TE.L.E.MA.CO. test but are not required to take the level B1 English assessment test.

Filosofia, Lettere, Storia

New students enrolled in the degree courses in Philosophy, Arts or History are required to sit the TE.L.E.MA.CO test, and they have to sit the level B1 English assessment test only if they add "Prova di conoscenza lingua inglese" to their study plan.

Alternatively, they can sit a test for one of the other languages featured in their degree courses (French, Spanish, German). The dates for such tests are set by the Department and they are published on the sites of the specific degree courses. 

Scienze e tecniche psicologiche (STP), Scienze della formazione primaria, Scienze dell'educazione

New students enrolled in the degree courses in Psychological Studies, Primary Education Studies, and Education Studies are not required to sit the AT and are required to address any questions regarding English to their Department.

Maritime Science and Technology

New students enrolled in the Maritime Science and Technology degree course are not required to sit the the level B1 English assessment test but must meet the entry requirements published in the course’s handbook.

Medicina e chirurgia e Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria

New students enrolled in the single cycle Surgery, Medicine and Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics degree courses do not have to sit a B1 test but they need to refer to the lecturer in charge of English in their degree course.

Certificate holders

Those students who already hold a valid certificate are required to upload it on the relevant Aulaweb page. If the certificate is validated by the student’s English lecturer, said students WILL NOT have to sit the level B1 English AT.

VERY IMPORTANT: if you are waiting for the result of an English level exam you did recently, do not sit the B1 AT in the meantime. If you sit the B1 AT and do not pass it, your certificate will not count towards your B1 level, that is, only the most recent result will be taken into account. This means that you will then have to do the English B1 online course to be able to take a B1 test again.

What happens if I pass the assessment test? (AT)

Ogni Corso di Studio (CdS) prevede il riconoscimento dell'AT in una sola delle seguenti modalità:

  • you have either passed a whole English exam for which credits are allocated
  • or you have passed part of an English exam for which no credits are allocated
  • or you are allowed to access an English exam
  • OFA (additional training requirement currently applicable to some courses of the Polytechnic School)

For further information about the English exam in your degree course, please, read your degree course handbook and/or get in touch with the lecturer in charge of English Language courses in your degree course.

AT procedures

For students who have to sit the TE.L.E.MA.CO test

The students who enrol in the degree courses for which the TE.L.E.MA.CO test is obligatory will sit the level B1 English assessment test together with the TE.L.E.MA.CO test in one of the dates below:

  • 14th or 15th September
  • 27th or 28th or 29th September
  • 25th or 26th October
  • 21st November

Find here a demo of the English B1 Assessment test (only accessible to students who have pre-enrolled)


For students who do not have to sit the Te.Le.Ma.Co. test or did not sit the English B1 test with Te.Le.Ma.Co.

 Those students who are not required to take the TE.L.E.MA.CO test  can sit the level B1 English assessment test (managed by the Te.Le.Ma.Co. staff) on either 25th or 26th October ONLY by enrolling at this link 

If you cannot take the level B1 English assessment test on 25th or 26th October with Te.Le.Ma.Co., you will have to sit it in one of the test dates provided by Settore Sviluppo Competenze Linguistiche

  • December 2023: 12, 13, 14, 15 December (only for students who did not sit the English B1 test with Te.Le.Ma.Co. or did not have to sit the Te.Le.Ma.Co. tests) book a place here  starting from 22nd November 12 noon.

Click here for more information about the English B1 Assessment test   [this page is accessible only after pre-matriculation]

You were supposed to sit the Assessment test but did not

If you are among those students for whom the AT was compulsory but did not sit it in any of the available dates (see above), you will need to refer back to your degree course’s English lecturer.

If you do not sit the AT within the December session, you are not included in the Progetto Inglese.

You do not pass the assessment test

If you do not pass the test, you will receive an invitation to attend an online B1 English course on the Aulaweb, which you will be able to attend at your leisure with the support of a tutor. After you have completed the course by a given deadline, you will have the opportunity to sit a new B1 test in March
If you still do not pass the test in March, you will receive an invitation to attend a 40-hour course, this time face-to-face with a teacher, who will support you in your preparation for a further B1 test at the end. 
If you do not pass the B1 test after the 40-hour course, you will be able to re-take it according to the schedule set out by your English lecturer.

PLEASE NOTE: this does not apply to the degree course in Modern Languages and Cultures.


Last update 17 June 2024