Certificazioni riconosciute da UniGe

For the 2024/2025 academic year, we accept certificates issued from May 2022.



  • Cambridge (PET/B1 or higher);
  • Trinity ISE I or higher;
  • IELTS (at least 4.0+);
  • TOEFL iBT (B1: at least 18 in each skill);
  • IGCSE (at least D); certificates need to include English as a Second Language among the subjects tested;
  • International Baccalaureate;
  • LanguageCert Academic (all skills- at least at a B1 level). PLEASE NOTE: Starting from the 2025/2026 academic year, this certificate will no longer be accepted.

For the level of English to be admitted to one of the UniGe Master's degree courses, please see the information published in the course's handbook.

For those courses which require a B2 level of English the certificates and relevant scores are:

  • Cambridge (FCE/B2 or higher);
  • Trinity ISE II or higher;
  • IELTS (at least 5.5);
  • TOEFL iBT (B2: at least 22 in each skill);
  • IGCSE (at least C); certificates need to include English as a Second Language among the subjects tested;
  • International Baccalaureate;

Certificates which do not feature in the list above are NOT accepted as valid. 

Please note: certificates obtained via remote exams are not accepted. We do not accept the following certificates:

IELTS (with less than 4.0 points);          
TOEFL iBT (with less than18 points for each skill - B2 with less than 22 points for each skill);          
IGCSE (with less than D for a B1 level of English – ore less than C for a B2 level of English);        
All the certificates above if only one/two or three parts have been sat, for example “The PeopleCert Group – LanguageCert".      
For further information about the validation of your certificate, please refer to your course's English lecturer (see your degree course handbook).

Freshers - read here.

Non-freshers - please address any query to the English lecturer in your department.

Please note: a certificate replacing an exam, or part of an exam, or used to access an exam in a specific degree course cannot be re-used to gain further credits in that or another course or to meet entry requirements to another course.


UniGe riconosce le certificazioni di competenza in lingua italiana nei gradi non inferiori al livello B2* del Consiglio d’Europa, emesse nell’ambito del sistema di qualità CLIQ (Certificazione Lingua Italiana di Qualità) e rilasciate da:

*Per gli studenti Marco Polo è sufficiente una conoscenza della lingua italiana almeno pari al livello B1. Per gli studenti iscritti a LM del DLCM viene richiesta una conoscenza pari al livello C1.


  • Certificaçao do CAPLE (Centro de Avaliaçao e certificaçao de Portugues Lìngua Estrangeira);
  • Certificaçao da FLUL (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa);
  • CIPLE - Certificado Inicial de Portugues Li­ngua Estrangeira (A2);
  • DEPLE - Diploma Elementar de Portugues Li­ngua Estrangeira (B1);
  • DIPLE - Diploma Intermédio de Portugues Li­ngua Estrangeira (B2);
  • DAPLE - Diploma Avançado de Portugues Li­ngua Estrangeira (C1);
  • DUPLE - Diploma Universitario de Portugues Li­ngua Estrangeira (C2);
  • Celpe-Bras (Certificado de Proficiencia em Lingua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros - Brasil);
  • INEPE  (Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anisio Teixeira) - Ministério da Educaçao / Ministério das Relaçoes Exteriores.



I livelli di conoscenza delle lingue francese, inglese, portoghese, spagnolo e tedesco, variano dai singoli bandi di mobilità o dai requisiti delle singole sedi straniere ospitanti.

Last update 11 March 2025