Certificazioni riconosciute da UniGe

For the 2024/2025 academic year, we accept certificates issued from May 2022.



  • Cambridge (PET/B1 or higher);
  • Trinity ISE I or higher;
  • IELTS (at least 4.0+);
  • TOEFL iBT (B1: at least 18 in each skill);
  • IGCSE (at least D); certificates need to include English as a Second Language among the subjects tested;
  • International Baccalaureate;
  • LanguageCert Academic (all skills- at least at a B1 level).

For the level of English to be admitted to one of the UniGe Master's degree courses, please see the information published in the course's handbook.

For those courses which require a B2 level of English the certificates and relevant scores are:

  • Cambridge (FCE/B2 or higher);
  • Trinity ISE II or higher;
  • IELTS (at least 5.5);
  • TOEFL iBT (B2: at least 22 in each skill);
  • IGCSE (at least C); certificates need to include English as a Second Language among the subjects tested;
  • International Baccalaureate;

Certificates which do not feature in the list above are NOT accepted as valid. 

Please note: certificates obtained via remote exams are not accepted. We do not accept the following certificates:

IELTS (with less than 4.0 points);          
TOEFL iBT (with less than18 points for each skill - B2 with less than 22 points for each skill);          
IGCSE (with less than D for a B1 level of English – ore less than C for a B2 level of English);        
All the certificates above if only one/two or three parts have been sat, for example “The PeopleCert Group – LanguageCert".      
For further information about the validation of your certificate, please refer to your course's English lecturer (see your degree course handbook).

Freshers - read here.

Non-freshers - please address any query to the English lecturer in your department.

Please note: a certificate replacing an exam in a specific degree course cannot be re-used to gain further credits in another course or to meet entry requirements to a course.


UniGe riconosce le certificazioni di competenza in lingua italiana nei gradi non inferiori al livello B2* del Consiglio d’Europa, emesse nell’ambito del sistema di qualità CLIQ (Certificazione Lingua Italiana di Qualità) e rilasciate da:

*Per gli studenti Marco Polo è sufficiente una conoscenza della lingua italiana almeno pari al livello B1. Per gli studenti iscritti a LM del DLCM viene richiesta una conoscenza pari al livello C1.


  • Certificaçao do CAPLE (Centro de Avaliaçao e certificaçao de Portugues Lìngua Estrangeira);
  • Certificaçao da FLUL (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa);
  • CIPLE - Certificado Inicial de Portugues Li­ngua Estrangeira (A2);
  • DEPLE - Diploma Elementar de Portugues Li­ngua Estrangeira (B1);
  • DIPLE - Diploma Intermédio de Portugues Li­ngua Estrangeira (B2);
  • DAPLE - Diploma Avançado de Portugues Li­ngua Estrangeira (C1);
  • DUPLE - Diploma Universitario de Portugues Li­ngua Estrangeira (C2);
  • Celpe-Bras (Certificado de Proficiencia em Lingua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros - Brasil);
  • INEPE  (Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anisio Teixeira) - Ministério da Educaçao / Ministério das Relaçoes Exteriores.



I livelli di conoscenza delle lingue francese, inglese, portoghese, spagnolo e tedesco, variano dai singoli bandi di mobilità o dai requisiti delle singole sedi straniere ospitanti.

Last update 12 December 2024